

2014 新希望



The interview to become

Being in the student council was my dream
Also don't know the exact reason
If can i would like to try
if cannot also nevermind,
cuz i know my contribution aren't that much (and significant)
i want to do a part in bringing css a better school

Congrats serene~ to be chosen to go to the interview
i know you wanted too
jia you in the interview
i know you can

now im ok with both.
i can be a good student.
no matter be or not

my friends will not drift
at least not more

so thats a pro not a con
im grateful

but if have a chance i would like to try too
see if i got that opportunity

if don't have, nvm.
i will also live life happily
i like myself :)



The selection

I'm tired of everything, every thing.
 So what? Not a one cares.
i have a really close friend. =) Whats a true friend?
Thats only a friend, whats more a true one?

Tired of feeling empty inside.
Tired of pretending i'm not alone.
Tired of being a loner.

I may not look like one cuz no one knows me
I don't really know myself too.
Who am I?
Why I am?
Why am I?
What I am?

Of course, no one is perfect. its just Snoopy

Under the Sun outside, In the darkness inside. the shadow is covered. i cant even find it.
i had one quite close one, we met during sec 1. we kept a something tgt. she had more friends on the outside. inside, i don't know. but this year after the selection, i can feel that everyone is drifting apart from me. who cares?

by myself.  who will? who should? who might? who wants? who ?

I can't say i regret being in this world, but i can too.

Suddenly thought of a nice quote that i only shared with one friend:
We are all in the same game,
Just different levels,
Dealing with the same hell,
Just different devils.

Not sure why i love this, but i really loves it.


Sometimes the strongest among us are the ones who smile through silent pain, cry behind closed doors, and fight battle without anyone knows.


3D2N Camp @ Camp CHristine

Ok. So where was I? Yes. Yeah. We really did a lot of new things together and it wasn't what i expected to be but was like some nice experience for me although i still prefer some activities we did in the P5 camp like flying fox and stuff but i reached home safely alive, isn't it? Although the hygiene there is really ... but then nvm ba. use to it can le so shall try to recall what happened..

So day one was like when we arrived there we are told to like sit on the grass ambushed with a lot and i mean a LOT of stupid bugs and most of us was like kicking or swapping them away im filled with 75+ of clean freak and the feeling was so uncomfortable k nevermind lets see what we did there

Day 1:
1000 - arrival
1030 - group briefing
1100 - Ice breakers --wacko (I didn't got wack), blow wind blow(I just moved two places left and right) are there more? I cant rmb le
1130 - Tent pitching/allocation
1230 - lunch
1330 - sand casting building in east coast
1500 - Gladiator
1630 - Rafting
1800 - Shower
1900 - Dinner
2000 - Blind man's trail
2200 - supper/reflection
2300 - wash up
2330  - lights out

We learnt how to pitch their tents and stuffs lets move on to the east coast park thing. my class was divided into two groups anyway

Yeah. we also built sandcastles together, called ideal condo i picked lots of seashells to decorate the what =)

Gladiator was to use ropes, spars, to build a canon-like thing to fire water bombs to hit the milk bottles at a distance. my  small group about 9 ppl built a very unstable one although we didn't succeed, we didnt gave up too~ Thats what perseverance is ne?

Rafting was not what i expected--everyone out at the sea on a piece of thing, leaving the sand quite a distance. It was like theres spars, ropes and floats or us to tie tgt to make one floating platform for 5-6 ppl to sit on, like leave the lowest sand only 1 metre.

since this is a 自言自语, i might not continue

gtg, bb



OK~ Enough of LEO's Stuffs~ Anyways this already the 10th day of 2014 so yeah this is the last day of my 3D2N Leadership camp@ Camp Christine, theme "Teamwork" with blog them tmr kay?


狮子座 童真指数:70











2014年健康問題將不是你最大問題。事實上,不必過分在意你身體發出的信號,關鍵 在于心理的感覺,尤其是在上半年要努力讓自己放松下來,適當的旅行也是一個好的 療養方法,你最大的弱點是容易忽視心理的健康。飲食要規律,以免引起胃痛的毛 病;7月至9月之間,由于當前行星的影響,你的肌肉會莫名感覺疼痛,過后就會恢復 正常。開車的獅子座朋友要適當留意交通安全,爭強好勝的性格讓你在路上也不甘落 后,要時時提醒自己要控制好速度,確保安全才是第一位的。



海王星2014年將會繼續影響你的運勢。它和土星共同發揮作用,在今年將順利的引導 你做出重要選擇,影響你長期的計劃,一些長遠的計劃可在2014年年底再做決定。你 要實現理想,就要相信自己的能力。你在行動上應該更傾向于堅持,直接和不斷進 取。需要注意的是,2014年要注意自己的語言,避免和身邊的人爭執。




